Engagement Flow

Optimize your cross-channel campaigns with Engagement Flow

Create your communication flow to keep your users engaged at different stages with our precise segmentation and simplified marketing automation tool. Improve campaign results without the need for long, complex implementations of standard Marketing Automation tools. With minimal effort, experience better performance and optimized marketing campaign outcomes.


What is
Engagement Flow?

Engagement Flow is an easy-to-implement dynamic data segmentation tool designed to help you automate your marketing. Get up and running in no time without having to plan months in advance. Improve your campaign performance with minimal effort, all thanks to the tool’s powerful, real-time segmentation capabilities.

Who is the tool for? It’s designed for those managing multichannel communication, who want to maximize campaign results, build engagement, and optimize costs.


How it works?

  • Transfer data via API from your collection points to our dashboard and create relevant segments with ease. 
  • Create data segments defined by specific conditions. When met, a relevant and timely message will be triggered and delivered to the customer.
  • Generate and launch personalized campaigns. Build a multichannel communication strategy by gradually narrowing down audience segments based on their responses to previous communication
Real time marketing

Data sources

Any data provided by the customer, including information entered into web forms such as their name, DOB, or location.

Data on how users, both anonymous and logged in, navigate the website, which pages they view, how long they stay, and how frequently they visit.

Events based on communication ran via MessageFlow. These include Email opens, Email and SMS link clicks, Push Notification engagements, or no record of interactions

The most comprehensive data sources feeding the Engagement Flow include POS systems at physical stores, loyalty programs (when and what the customer bought, how much they spent), and mobile app data (logins, usage time, store scans, products viewed).

Use cases

Engagement Flow
use case scenarios

  • User activity: SMS opens, Email link clicks, website visits in the past 7 days, or making a purchase at a physical store within the past 60 days. 
  • Visitor activity: Detailed information about the pages your users have viewed. Based on this, you can set up an Email campaign featuring products that may interest them. 
  • Cart activity: Cross-selling efforts or targeting VIP customers with large carts by setting conditions for promotional offers.
  • Building loyalty: Targeting users who haven’t visited your site for a specific time. Activations, brand reminders, and welcome back promos.

Don’t just take our words

If you really want to know why you should choose MessageFlow, 
don’t take it from us – hear straight from our customers.

Używamy MessageFlow do wysyłania powiadomień SMS i Mobile Push zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą, zawsze mogąc liczyć na wsparcie techniczne.

Wiceprezes Zarządu

ING Bank Śląski potwierdza współpracę w zakresie świadczenia usług w obszarze wysyłki SMS o charakterze marketingowo-informacyjnym. Przy wyborze dostawcy platformy kierowaliśmy się przede wszystkim bezpieczeństwem komunikacji oraz stabilnością infrastruktury.

CPO Bankowości Hurtowej na Kraje Europejskie

MessageFlow gwarantuje terminową realizację, precyzyjną dostawę i dokładne raportowanie dla naszych kampanii.

Koordynator Programu Lojalnościowego

Platforma ta zapewnia nam kompleksową obsługę komunikacji SMS na najwyższym poziomie. Dzięki indywidualnemu podejściu do naszych potrzeb, mogliśmy skorzystać z gotowych rozwiązań, jak również rozwiązań szytych na miarę, co w przypadku tak dużej organizacji jak nasza jest dużym ułatwieniem.

Dyrektor Działu Finansów i Obsługi Klienta

Infrastruktura dla komunikacji Email i SMS dostarczana przez MessageFlow zapewnia szczególną wydajność, doskonale spełniając nasze szerokie potrzeby w zakresie kampanii marketingowych.

Koordynator ds. Marketingu

Korzystamy z tej platformy nieprzerwanie od 2011 roku do obsługi kampanii SMS. Narzędzie charakteryzuje się wysoką efektywnością, szybkością wysyłek, poziomem dostarczalności oraz dostępem do globalnej infrastruktury GSM.

Dyrektor Programu Lojalnościowego

Jako nasz dostawca usług SMS, MessageFlow nieprzerwanie świadczyło wydajne usługi przez ponad 24 miesiące, wykazując się elastycznym i zorientowanym na klienta podejściem, które płynnie dopasowywało się do naszych potrzeb operacyjnych.

Kierownik ds. Marketingu


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions answered by our experts.

The Engagement Flow allows you to create highly personalized and targeted messaging campaigns. By segmenting your audience based on real-time data and behaviors, you can improve engagement, increase conversion rates, and deliver more relevant content to your users. It’s a powerful tool to boost marketing performance with minimal effort.

You can segment your audience based on a wide range of data, including demographic information (age, gender, location), behavioral data (purchase history, website activity), and real-time data (current device, recent interactions). This flexibility allows you to create precise and effective customer segments for personalized communication.

Creating dynamic segments is simple and intuitive. First, define the criteria for your segment based on the data available (such as demographics or behaviors). Then, set the parameters for your dynamic segment to update automatically as new data is collected. The system will automatically adjust the segment membership based on real-time changes, ensuring your audience list is always up to date.

No, integrating the service via API is not mandatory to use dynamic segments. You can easily access and use these segments within the platform without any technical integration. However, API integration is available for advanced users who want to connect external data sources or automate the process further.

Yes, dynamic segments are available across all supported communication channels, including SMS, Email, and Mobile Push. This ensures you can deliver consistent, personalized experiences to your audience, regardless of the channel they prefer.

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Haven’t found the answer to your question?

If you have any other questions on your mind or would like to figure out which plan best suits your needs, just contact us!