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The Art of Communication During Black Friday - Actionable Tech Tips

MessageFlow Team
4 min read
October 25, 2023

Black Friday isn’t just an opportunity to get your sales up, it's an actual marketing challenge. Not to toot our horn too much, but during the last Black Week, we sent a whopping 6 billion of your messages. Well, it’s that time of the year again and we’re gearing up for another round! This year, your communication will once again be getting the lines red hot, testing the efficiency of operators, and the patience of recipients. ;) But you know what? You can have it all under control. How do you do it? How to avoid the spam folder and reach the customers? Let us explain!

How to quickly and efficiently deliver messages on Black Friday?

Your goal for Black Friday - deliver the right message to a large base of users in the shortest time possible.

All this becomes achievable with a professional CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) platform for mass business messaging. What it does is it allows you to achieve reliable, high throughput, and deliver the communication with no delays.

Now, you don’t even have to be a seasoned programmer to have all of this stitched together. Take a look below.

5 Communication must-haves for Black Friday (and beyond)

1. Email arriving safely

Secure your email communication with DKIM, DMARC, and SPF authentication protocols. This crucial move will not only enhance security, but also ensure your messages won’t end up in spam. Sender address verification significantly improves deliverability, minimizing the chances of being picked up and blocked by anti-spam filters.

2. SMS right on time

Opt for high-quality traffic, ensuring top deliverability with negligible errors and delays. Whether it's marketing or transactional communication, we always use authorized delivery paths and direct connections with GSM operators, making sure your messages reach the recipient in an average of 3.5 seconds.

3. Mobile Push goes whoosh!

You don't have to worry about our Push throughput capabilities - the sky's the limit here! There’s a caveat, though. While professional platforms like MessageFlow can easily handle the sending of several million messages per hour, it's essential for you to ensure that your application is ready for a user traffic spike. If you typically operate at lower throughput, remember it’s flexible and consider increasing it during business crunch time such as Black Friday.

4. RESTful API expanding capabilities

Sending messages via API is something you should definitely consider. REST (Representational State Transfer) technology enables efficient resource management and communication between applications. What does this mean for your campaigns? They become more flexible, their performance improves, and advanced content personalization, along with faster message delivery become possible. What’s not to like about it?

5. By us for you

Reliable technology and robust infrastructure constitute the foundation, but they have been created and are continuously developed by our team, always ready to provide additional tips and advice. We trust you got this, but if you ever feel the need for an outside perspective, let us know. We'll gladly tap into our knowledge and experience to help you maximize the results of your communication campaigns on Black Friday and any other occasion.

PS. Did you know that during the last Black Friday and Cyber Monday alone, we sent a total of 1.6 billion messages with an impressive delivery rate of 99%? 

Ready for Black Friday

Having a reliable CPaaS platform with high throughput at your fingertips, you'll be set to comfortably navigate the upcoming Black Friday craze. By adhering to the 5 key principles of business communication discussed here, you'll quickly and efficiently reach a wide audience through Email, SMS, and Push.

If you have any additional questions or want to discuss the specific details of your campaign, contact us at contact@messageflow.com Our experienced team is holding the technology reins and is always ready to share tips and advice to help you achieve the best results.

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