Learn about
our cookies policy

The purpose of this privacy statement is to offer transparent, user-friendly, and simple information to anyone who visits our website, shows interest in our products or services, or receives our communication messages.

The technologies we use

Vercom uses the following types of cookies and similar types of technology:

  • Cookies: Cookies are small files that are saved and stored in your browser or on your computer or other device when you visit a website. A cookie typically contains: (i) basic information on the name of the website from which it originated, (ii) the lifespan of the cookie and, therefore, the duration of its existence on your computer or other device you use, and (iii) a randomly generated, unique number used to identify the browser from which you connect to the website. Cookies may be provided by the entity that hosts the website you are visiting (these are then referred to as ‘first party cookies’) or by other entities (these are referred to as ‘third party cookies’).
  • Pixels: Pixels are small images embedded in a website. Pixels collect information about your browser or device and may configure cookies.
  • Local storage: Local mass storage allows browser or user device data to be stored locally in the browser or the device and includes the HTML5 local mass storage and browser cache.

1. Data given in a form are processed for a purpose consequent with specific form’s function, e.g. for the purpose of handling clients’ customer service submissions, business contact, registration in the service etc. Every form’s context and description clearly informs its purpose.

We use cookies and other types of technology

MessageFlow and Vercom, together with their advertising and analytics service providers, use cookies so that it can automatically receive certain information related to the user and/or the user’s device(s). The information we collect may be used to recognise the user when they use our services and to collect information, such as the number of visits, information about advertisements displayed and other data about browsing activities on our sites. This allows us to ensure the proper functioning of our services, improve them, deliver and measure the effectiveness of advertising and provide personalized content. The cookies and similar types of technology that we and our partners use generally fall into the following four categories:

  • Essential files: These include those files that are absolutely necessary for the provision of an online service (e.g. the operation of our website or a service on our website). These types of cookies include cookies that help us ensure that our services operate correctly. We use Google Tag Manager to manage some types of the technology used on our sites. You can set your browser or device so that it blocks or warns you about these types of cookies, but if you do so, some sections of our websites will not be accessible.
  • Functional files: These include those files that help ensure that our services function properly, remember user settings and preferences such as, for example, language preferences, help identify and prevent security risks or enable us to learn about the user’s activities and improve our services. Such files may be set by us or by our partners (third parties) whose services we have added to our sites. If you do not agree to these types of cookies, then some or all of the services may not function properly.
  • Analytical and operational files: These include those cookies that collect information about how you interact with our sites and personalize their content for you, measure the number of visits and investigate traffic sources so that we can improve the functionality of our sites.
  • Files related to advertising (Marketing & Advertising): These include those cookies that make advertising more targeted and better tailored to the interests of users of our services.
  • Social media-related files: these cookies enable you to share content with other users of social media platforms such as: Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. They have the ability to keep track of your browser through other sites and, thus, build up your interest profile so that relevant content and advertising can be shown to you within specific social networks. If you do not agree to these cookies, you may not be able to see or use the tools and mechanisms for such content sharing.

Types of information we collect

Information on the manner of accessing services: When you use our services, we automatically collect or receive information about how you access the services, including the type of device you have, the operating system and web browser you use, and the speed or stability of your internet connection. The information received depends on your device and the services you use.

  1. Website activity information: information about content viewed and interactions with emails we send, such as clicking links and checking whether the messages have been opened or forwarded.
  2. Unique identifiers: IP addresses associated with devices used to access the services, advertising display identifiers, cookie identifiers, media access control (MAC) address and other unique identifiers.

You have the following options to control or limit how we and our partners use cookies and similar types of technology for advertising and analytical purposes:

  • Although most web browsers and devices accept cookies by default, their settings usually allow clearing or disabling such cookies. However, disabling cookies may result in some features of our services not working properly.
  • Information on how our advertising partners allow you to disable ads based on your browsing history is available in the guide to online behavioural advertising and online privacy – youronlinechoices.com.

With web browsers, opt-out settings are often stored in a cookie. Blocking cookies may prevent services from working as expected and also may prevent information about your preferences and choices from being stored. This may mean that if you opt out and then block cookies, we may not know that you have opted out or may not be able to comply with it. Please also keep in mind that blocking cookies on your computer will not affect your settings on another device, such as a mobile device.

Below, you will find links to pages containing information about opting out of cookies in popular web browsers. If the web browser you are using is not listed here, please refer to your browser’s terms of use to learn more about choosing cookies.

  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • Edge
  • Brave

Opting out of tracking by analytics services providers: Blocking cookies in your browser may not prevent other types of tracking technology from tracking your online activity. In addition to managing your browser’s cookie settings accordingly, you can opt out of tracking directly by companies that support different types of tracking technology.

To opt out of being tracked by our analytics partners, you can visit the links below:

  • Google Analytics – if you want to learn more about how Google Analytics protects your data, click here (https://policies.google.com/privacy) to access their privacy policy.
  • Zapier – if you want to learn more about how Zapier protects your data, click here (https://zapier.com/privacy) to access their privacy policy.
  • LinkedIn – if you want to learn more about how Linkedin protects your data, click here (https://privacy.linkedin.com/) to access their privacy policy.


If you have any questions or concerns about the information contained in this Cookie Policy, please contact us at: or by regular mail at the address:

Vercom S.A.
Ul. Wierzbięcice 1B/building D
61-569 Poznań